Nutri Kacip Lady Capusle (呵护女性妇科与身材)60cap

SJ Nutri Kacip Lady是一种原产于马来西亚热带雨林的开花草本植物,含有植物雌激素(植物雌激素)和抗氧化特性。可以用于增强活力,调节月经周期,改善女性荷尔蒙健康.它也是一种有效的天然生育补充剂。母亲在分娩后会消耗它来恢复体力并帮助调整腹部和阴道肌肉。它也是绝经和减少更年期症状的自然缓解之一。

代相传的馬耒西亜囯寶-卡琪花蒂瑪, 無可言喻的驚人效果!  
    女性的恩物 (女性用于收紧子宫,丰胸,身材三围S曲线, 美颜)

据马来西亚文献记载,马拉西亚国宝卡琪花蒂玛,植物学名为Labisia Pumila,是一种生长在东南亚热带雨林中常见的药草。卡琪花蒂玛生长于马来西亚海拔350米高的无污染热带雨林中自古以来马来当地土著妇女,使用卡琪花蒂玛树叶(Kacip Fatimah),植物学名为Labisia Pumila)煮水来喝,她们也不明白什么道理,只知道这种植物能调理女性的健康,能避免很多妇女病,并能起美颜和丰乳的作用,使女性身材姣好;女性服用卡琪花蒂玛后会生产无可言喻的惊人效果,尤其是对于女性健康,精神及妇女保养方面效果最为显着



1      平衡体内荷尔蒙,改善内分泌

2.      收紧皮肤,改善面部肌肤,拉绳,上提下垂皮肤

3.      让女性身体脂肪更加紧实,丰胸胸部,达到S曲线

4.      增强盆骨肌肉,恢复妇女体力及健康

5.      产后提高肌肉与子宫收缩最佳产品

6.      拥有独特消毒及收敛作用,是分娩后收缩子宫的最佳产品

7.      减少骨质疏松发生

8.      舒缓发热潮热,盗汗,失眠

9.      减低血管疾病风险

10.  改善情绪,降低抑郁症患病风险

11.  增加机体能量,让机体更具活力

12.        调理月经,暖宫,舒缓经痛, 减少白带,根治妇科病等。

13.        治疗性冷淡,提升性欲,增强性反应,协调夫妻生活.

  1. 舒缓更年期症状:睡眠不安,紧张,烦燥,热潮红,阴道干燥,黑     



对于绝经的女性而言,卡琪花蒂玛的效果会更为明显,因为卡琪花蒂玛是帮助女性恢复自信与健康、重获青春与快乐、延缓衰老和提升生命质量的佳品。它可以平衡 体内荷尔蒙,促进女性生殖系统的正常运作,增加阴道分泌,解决绝经期后的干涩阴痒,并且对刺激荷尔蒙的生成有着非常好的作用。另外,它还能增强骨盘肌肉 (防止子宫脱垂以及由于生产造成的小便失禁),对恢复女性紧缩“如处”之感有着相当好的效果。卡琪花蒂玛还可以解除疲劳,舒缓更年期病状(睡眠不安、紧 张、烦躁),提高性生活品质。此外,它还能促进造血功能,有很强的抗氧化作用,对丰胸、美颜尤其有效。

HISTORYKacip fatimah has been used for centuries and is still commonly consumed by Malay women in Malaysia. The whole plant has been administered before and after childbirth to expedite delivery. Other reported uses include treatment of dysentery, dysmenorrhea, flatulence, gonorrhea, and hemorrhoids, as well as for a condition described as “sickness in the bones.” Men from several ethnic groups in the Malaysian state of Sarawak have reported increased stamina after consuming the herb. The herb may also relieve throat ache when combined with the roots of Piper caninum. 

Kacip fatimah is administered 1 to 2 months before childbirth to help strengthen and tone abdominal muscles and the vaginal wall and tissue. The herb also promotes emotional well-being, reduces fatigue, and increases libido and energy.  Kacip fatimah extractis consumed to promote strength after childbirth, as well as to delay further conception.
The Malaysian government is providing support for research on the safety and efficacy of kacip fatimah because of the appearance of numerous commercial products over the last 10 years in the Malaysian market claiming increased vitality and libido. Ongoing clinical trials continue, and various patents have been filed for kacip fatimah. 
Kacip fatimah is a herbaceous herb that has a small, dense and woody stalk in tropical rainforests at an altitude of 150 feet above sea level. This plant breeds in two ways: through seed and root cuttings. This plant can grow perfectly in diminished areas with soil that has high humus content and does not contain water. Leaves about 20 centimeters long green and have red stem fruit at the base of the stem. There are 3 varieties of Kacip Fatimah, Labisia pumila var. Alata, L. pumila var. Pumila and L. pumila var. Lanceolata. It was reported that Labisia contained two novel benzoquinoid compounds, as well as Gallic acid, caffeic acid, routine, and myricetin. A study claims that the leaves contain higher levels of saponins than stems and roots.
Kacip Fatimah has been traditionally used by the Malay women for many generations in childbirth in inducing and eases delivery, as a post partum medication to help the birth channel, to regain body strength, regulate menstrual cycle and avoid painful and to alleviate menopausal symptoms. Kacip fatimah extract capsule  is convenience to taken . Other traditional uses include treating dysentery, rheumatism, and gonnorhoea. This plant will also help to firm the abdominal muscles. Scientific studies found that the medicinal properties and biological activities of Kacip Fatimah are due to the presence of phyto-estrogen (plant estrogen) that is naturally found in this plant.
 • 平衡体内荷尔蒙,改善内分泌引起的微循环紊乱
Balance hormones, improves microcirculation disorders caused by endocrine
• 收紧皮肤,改善面部肌肤,拉升、上提下垂皮肤
Tighten the skin, improve facial skin, lift sagging skin
• 让女性身体脂肪更加紧实,丰满胸部,达到S曲线
Let women's body fat becomes firmer, able to gain plump breasts and S-curved body line
• 增加盆骨肌肉,恢复妇女体力及健康
Increased pelvic muscles and restore strength and health of women
• 产后提高肌肉收缩
Improve the contraction of muscles after parturition
• 拥有恢复健康的独特消毒及收敛作用,是分娩后收缩子宫的最佳产品
It has an unique usage of disinfection and restoration of health, the best product for the contraction of the uterus after parturition
• 减少骨质疏松发生
Reduce the occurrence of osteoporosis
Ease flushing, night sweat and insomnia
• 减低心血管事件风险
Reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease
• 改善情绪,增加自我健康
Improve mood and health
• 增加机体能量,让机体更具活力
Increase body energy and gain vitality
• 提升性欲、增强性反应
Enhance libido and sexual response
• 暖宫、缓解痛经
Warm uterus, Relieve dysmenorrheal